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Stone Cottages and Home

I have long dreamed of a stone cottage.

Tucked back in the beautiful countryside.  With lovely gardens, an old wood barn, chickens, horses, dogs and a cat.

I suppose that is one of the reasons I enjoy visiting Fredericksburg, Texas.  It gives me a sense of that picturesque homestead I imagine.

There are so many wonderful stone homes in Fredericksburg, and they are especially charming at Christmastime.

Here is a sampling from our last visit.




This is not even scratching the surface of the sweet homes we saw.

After driving through town and enjoying the quaint houses and scenery, we browsed some of the shops.

I have a couple places that I especially like.  Red is one of them.  They offer new and vintage items.  Their style is fun and eclectic.  We bought a couple of cute oilcloth bags to take home to our girls, and a little clip-on bird made from thin pieces of wood.  It looks so cute clipped onto the book page wreath in my dining room window.


The other store that I really like, happened to be closed the day we were out shopping, but I peeked in all the windows, and even snapped some photos through the glass.

Everything inside looked lovely.

The outside was equally as lovely.

The Garten.









The town puts up an ice skating rink...


...and this beautiful Christmas Pyramid.







All of this shopping and sight-seeing is sure to give anyone a mean appetite, so we headed over to Rather Sweet Bakery.   Read more about it here.  The food is delicious, and the atmosphere is charming.  Especially the little courtyard area outside the bakery.

The next day we headed to The Peach Tree for brunch.  It was fabulous.  We have always heard so many raves about it, but it was our first time to eat there.  Hopefully, it won't be our last.  They also had a great gift shop with a lot of items I really liked.  Unique items.



It's fun to have a little get-away, especially with my husband.  And as much as I love that time alone with him, I also love being at home with my family.  And though I have dreamed of a stone cottage from time to time, that doesn't mean I love this old house... our home... any less.


Christmas is coming, and I look forward to all the decorating and baking.  Making our home warm, and getting it ready for making memories.