Big Boy Room
This is my third go 'round, and it still seems to sneak up on me.
How do you go from this....
To this...
in the blink of an eye?
I have been putting off moving him into a big boy bed, but it cannot be put off any longer.
The week this little guy arrived, this is what his room looked like.
This was our very short-lived guest room.
At this point, I was still in denial that we had another male entering our family. I didn't know anything about boys. I came from a flock of girls, and my first two babies were of the pink variety.
So there I was... surrounded by pink.
Change was inevitable.
Two things gave me inspiration for the new "boy" room.
A bassinet and a duvet.
The bassinet...
At the time, I adored
bassinet. Especially with the organic bedding. I was drawn to the natural tones and texture. And even though, it did inspire the outcome of the room, I never ended up purchasing it. Money was better spent on other items.
Having a baby thirteen years after our last, we were starting from scratch on all the baby goods... and there were a lot of goods that needed purchasing.
The duvet...
The duvet is Pottery Barn, circa 2007. It was handsome, simple and on clearance. A great combination.
I was drawn to the neutral palette, and I liked the little bit of blue.
And then other elements were added to create this.
This twin bed was mainly used as the changing station. I slept on it a couple of nights, but for the most part, it has gone unused. This will not be the big boy's bed. This bed is moving out, and the new big boy bed will go up as soon as the new mattress comes in... hopefully by next week.
Always something changing around here.
At the rate he is growing, we will be talking about this before long.

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