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Christmastime in NYC {part II}

I know Christmas is well behind us, and you may be bored to tears with all this NYC stuff...

BUT you must know...

I lugged around my big camera.  Everywhere we went!


I took all my photos in MANUAL mode!

I know, right?!

So, now that you are feeling sympathetic, and maybe even a little obligated... let's go back to the Big Apple.

Ellen's Stardust Diner.

We had never heard of it, but the guy that rode with us in the van from the airport told us we should go, so we went for breakfast one morning.

The waiters and waitresses are all broadway hopefuls.

Between lousy cups of coffee and cold eggs... they sing to you.

They sing to you REALLY LOUD.

The girls liked it.  They thought it was fun.

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This guy... not so much.

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Next we headed to Central Park.

It was really cold (especially for us Texans).  Temps in the low 20's.

They had a wonderful little outdoor market with all sorts of handmade items.  We wandered around there for a while, then headed down to the opposite corner of the park for a carriage ride.

I have to confess... I LOVED the smell of all the horses.  It took me back to my riding days.

The carriages would only allow for four people, so I volunteered to forego the ride and took the opportunity to go back to the little market and buy a few gifts.

Next we headed to FAO Schwartz.

Imagine the entrance looking just like this, only with hundreds of people lined up.

Yep.  We didn't even go inside.

The line to get in the store was all the way down the block and around the corner.

So we hopped on the subway...

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...and headed to one of the stores on the girls' list.

H&M.  Think of it as the IKEA for clothing.

Many people think the acronym stands for Her Majesty, but it stands for Hennes and Mauritz.  A couple of Swedish guys.

Luckily there was a Barnes and Noble across the street, for my husband and the little guy.

We popped into a bakery to warm up and get a bite to eat before we went into H&M.

The City Bakery

They had thick, rich hot chocolate.

Did I mention thick?  It was more like melted chocolate than hot cocoa.

And homemade marshmallows.

It was delicious.


Evening rolled around and we headed back to the hotel.

We came across this on our way to the subway station.

An animal shelter on wheels.

I wish I could give them all a home.


In the next (and final) NYC post:   Church in the Big Apple, my favorite store and the shows we saw.

Can you guess?