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NYC Finale


Alright... let me wrap this thing up.  I have drug it on long enough.

On Sunday morning we headed out and headed to church.

Redeemer Presbyterian Church.

We thoroughly enjoyed the service.

We read one of Tim Keller's books recently and thought it was great.  You can check it out here.

This church has six locations in the NYC area, and they don't disclose which location has Tim Keller (the senior pastor) giving the message.  I guess he roams from location to location each Sunday.  We were excited when we found out that he was preaching at the location we chose.  We stayed for a little coffee social right after the service in hopes to meet and speak with Tim Keller, but we never saw him.


Later in the afternoon, we went to see Radio City's Christmas Spectacular.

The Rockettes were fun to see.

At the end of the show, they read the story of Christ's birth from the bible as they acted it out on stage.

With live animals no less.

It was... "spectacular".


After the show we hopped on the subway again, and rode to Union Square.

It was beautiful and sunny (for about thirty minutes).

There was a great market here at Union Square.  Fresh vegetables, breads, flowers etc.

We meandered through the market and then headed down the block to...

ABC Carpet and Home.

It was so much fun to see this place.

I bought a couple of these cute balsa wood trees with their curly branches.

There was an entire floor of vintage goods.

Who wouldn't want a red bicycle built for two?

I had serious thoughts of trying to cram these flag pillows into my suitcase.  They were a beautiful linen and faded velvet combination.  Notice the stripes aren't sewn on, but the velvet is actually part of the linen fabric.

That's just scratching the surface.  You'll just have to go and see for yourself.

It was so fun to see this place that I have heard so much about.


Now... back on the subway and back to our hotel to spiffy up for our last night in the Big Apple.


My husband very sweetly bought his three girls tickets to see Wicked, while he and the little guy hung out back at the hotel.

These girls thoroughly enjoyed it!

My friend Holly gave me a great gift before our trip.

It was this book.

Everything from the best shops to the best cups of coffee, subway advice etc.  And there is a nice pull-out map inside the front cover.  It was such a great tool!  I highly recommend it.


Well, are you ready to pack your bags?