boutonnieres — The Brown Shed
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Have you ever tried making a boutonniere?

It's soooo easy.

Prom season is upon us, so I wanted to share how you can make your own.

These are the supplies you will need.

And flowers, of course.

There are no rules here, other than finding flowers that are fairly sturdy, and will hold up for several hours without getting too droopy.

If you use a larger flower that needs a little stability, just snip a piece of floral wire and run it up through the flower and secure as usual.

Bundle your flowers and get them positioned the way you like.  Then begin to wrap the stems with the floral tape until your stems are tight and secure.

Now wrap over the floral tape with your ribbon, making it neat and tight.

You can secure with some hot glue, or just tie it in a knot.

Then add your pin, and it's ready to go.  Put it in the fridge until the gentleman arrives.

Just two floral elements.  I like the simplicity.

I found the little blue flowers at our local grocery for just a few dollars, and the dusty miller is from Lowes garden center.  The six pack was missing a couple plants, so the lady at the register sold it to me for 25 cents.  I really liked how white and silvery this plant looked.

Often times, I will use things I have growing in my yard.  I've even used herbs.

And here it is in action (center).

Not a close-up, but you can see the color of my daughter's dress peeking out from the side.   The little blue flowers were a great match.

Here are some I made last year.

There are so many creative ideas out there.  I imagine Pinterest is wild with inspiration.

I would love to make one like this.

Isn't it darling?